However artist maybe have the upper hand in changing things. They /We present work in hope a paradigm shift and the viewers may think its controversial and they get what they get out of it hopeful it will change a bit of there point of views of how they view the world.Daniel Joesph Martinez, Museum Tags really stuck with me, It made me laugh at first and them to hear the stories about the museum stickers and most of the people at the show being white was great. It made me wonder if the viewers, white people in this case think of being anything else but white. Also, I think that he brings up a prevalent issue up in Hispanic cultures. The "Whitening", of the culture, I just don't understand families where the parents only speak spanish don't know very much english and there kids know english and not spanish.
How does that work? It's confusing but it's overlooked because they came here for a better life does a better life include losing one cultural identity ?No for me.As a photographer I look up to Lorna Simpson and Carrie Mae Weems . There photos are so strong in composition and the messages that the convey are relevant to there audience. Although the text may sadden or make people uncomfortable I find it humorous. I like to see peoples faces when they read there text, like in Carrie Mae Weems , Mirror Mirror when the text was read I laughed but the rest of the room was quiet.and people were uncomfortable and looked down or away.I hope to create images like them and be a voice for others like me as they are to me. Even though there work was before I was born.Rather it be because of the generation I'm growing up in or not. I love in you face work , take you outside of normal thinking patterns type work. I know it's not a genre or whatever but it's one now.
Carrie Mae Weems Mirror Mirror 1987 silver print

Daniel Joesph Martinez Museum Tags 1993 museum tags

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